Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Sebastian Henderson Essays (178 words) - North Carolina,

Sebastian Henderson Prof. Browning 2 February 2017 ENG 112-63 ACC Football The Newspaper Publications I've reviewed were The Charlotte Observer and USA Today . The major difference between the two is how they cater to each audience. With the Charlotte Observer the main audience they focused on was charlotte residence and residences of surrounding counties. Throughout the article the Charlotte Observer article it mainly focuses on the impact it will directly have on Charlotte. It goes into in depth detail and describes what exactly this means for Charlotte and the forces of the HB2 bill. USA Today on the other hand, focuses more on the broad aspect of the effects in Charlotte. It covered not only ACC Football but March M adness and other events as well. It also talked about the cities that the ACC Championship could be moving to. It then went in very briefly about the HB2 bill. I feel like as we progress through the investigative article I feel that my writing style will become more aggressive and more persuasive.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Essay on Communication in Health and Social Care part 2Essay Writing Service

Essay on Communication in Health and Social Care part 2Essay Writing Service Essay on Communication in Health and Social Care part 2 Essay on Communication in Health and Social Care part 2Essay on Communication in Health and Social Care   part  1IntroductionThe impact of values and cultural factors on the communication process in health and social care settingsValues and cultural factors influence the effectiveness of a communication process in health and social care settings. Care workers should be ready to assess the values of their client in order to avoid conflicts and poor communication practices (Moonie, 2005).   Researchers place emphasis on the role of spiritual assessment in health and social care settings (Barrett et al., 2004; Moonie, 2005). Cultural assessment of health and social care users influence psychological functioning of individuals and their outcomes in communication. Regardless of one’s cultural background, care workers should balance their honesty and health and social care users’ hope. If a care worker effectively communicates, his activity is not influenced by cultura l diversity issues (Barrett et al., 2004).In addition, researchers suggest that multicultural experience can improve the ability of care workers to communicate with clients from different cultural backgrounds. Health and social care practices in multicultural context should be focused on one’s cultural believes and values, as well as on the knowledge of the lifestyles of diverse groups (Barrett et al., 2004). Care workers should be well-trained to apply this knowledge and cultural experience to provide culturally appropriate health and social care (Barrett et al., 2004; Moonie, 2005). Care worker should respect traditional health care practices that influence their clients’ acceptance of treatment methods. They should explore their clients’ beliefs in the context of religion and culture. Open communication helps to address the existing cultural differences and enhance health and social care practices (Barrett et al., 2004; Moonie, 2005).The impact of legislation , charters and codes of practice on the communication process in health and social care settingsLegislation, charters and codes of practice influence the effectiveness of the communication process in health and social care settings. Care worker should comply with the established laws and regulations aimed at promoting the rights of clients, including confidentiality. Care workers should realize the role of codes of practice and charters used in health and social care settings (Dickson et al., 1994).   Key legislation influences not only the rights of health and social care users, but also the rights of care workers. In general, legislation, charters and codes of practice helps to avoid discrimination and abuse. Staff members should convey respect and use the proper strategies to promote the rights of their clients in health and social care settings (Barrett et al., 2004).   Special attention should be paid to equal opportunities policies, professional values, codes of practice, as well as training and supervision policies, which affect care workers’ views on the rights of their clients (Barrett et al., 2004). Thus, legislation, charters and codes of practice used in the communication process in health and social care settings help to develop a quality service. Legislation and policies set certain targets that should be met by health and social care workers (Fisher, 2005).The analysis of the effectiveness of organizational systems and policies in promoting good practice in communication in health and social care settingsThe effectiveness of organizational systems and policies in promoting good practice in communication in health and social care settings depends on a variety of factors. Care workers should recognize how to encourage communication (Barrett et al., 2004). The organizational system developed in health and social care settings should promote different types of communication to address the needs of health and social care service users, inc ludingoral communication practices (listening and speaking);written communication practices (developing care plans);body language techniques;electronic communication (e-mails)special types of communication appropriate for health and social care settings (Fisher, 2005).Some ways of improving the communication process in a health and social care settingsAs communication has become an issue of concern in the debates regarding the future development of health and social care field, care workers should be encouraged to use the proper strategies aimed at improving their communication process (Barett et al., 2004; Fisher, 2005).   There are many different ways to develop more effective relationships with clients, as well as to work jointly with other health and social care professionals (Barett et al., 2004; Fisher, 2005). It is recommended to promote openness in communication practices, participation in interactions and partnership, transform the nature of relationships (if necessary), make communication process more informative and interesting and less interruptive, facilitate teamwork interventions, and address any problem that may affect inter-professional teamwork (Barett et al., 2004).Besides, it would be better to promote sharing assessment in health and social care because shared awareness and understanding result in improved communication practices and enhanced patient satisfaction (Barett et al., 2004). The use of case scenarios can help to support practical interpretation of the established legal guidelines regarding communication in health and social care settings. Real-life scenarios provide vital materials for improved communication process (Fisher, 2005).The use of information and communication technology (ICT)in health and social careThe use standard ICT software packages to support work in health and social care settingsToday care workers effectively use standard ICT software packages to support work in health and social care settings (Boulos Whee ler, 2007). The use of ICT within health and social care context includes a wide range of ICT applications, ranging from â€Å"ambient assistant living, clinical imagining processing, decision support, e-therapy, electronic health records, and mobile health software applications† (Martinho et al., 2013, p. 19).One of the examples of the use of standard ICT software packages is Web 2.0 sociable technologies and social software that are appropriate for the application in health and social care field ((Boulos Wheeler, 2007; Martinho et al., 2013). These ICT applications include â€Å"social networking services, collaborative filtering, social bookmarking, folksonomies, social search engines, file sharing and tagging, mashups, instant messaging, and online multi-player games† (Boulos Wheeler, 2007, p. 2). Web 2.0 technologies help to manage online information and knowledge sources, e.g. clinical and research information in the field of health and social care. In fact, he alth and social care workers face certain challenges concerning the effectiveness of the use of ICT. On one hand, software packages specially designed for health and social care have â€Å"strict requirements, such as reliability, performance, and usability† (Martinho et al., 2013, p. 21). On the other hand, health and social care professionals do not trust the results provided by the ICT applications, e.g. regarding the accuracy of the proper medical data, some diagnosis-related issues, as well as data security (Martinho et al., 2013). In practice, health and social care professionals should perform standard procedures to meet the needs of the ICT applications.Analysis of the benefits of using ICT in health and social care for users of services, care workers and care organizationsThere are many benefits of using ICT in health and social care for users of services, care workers and care organizations. The use of ICT contributes to the improvements in health and social care pr ovision and outcomes through effective monitoring practices. Special policies and initiatives have been developed to address the needs of care workers and care services users (OECD, 2013). Some of these benefits include:improved quality of health and social care services (the use of ICT guarantees support for care workers’ practices in health and social care settings, including improved communication and effective â€Å"management of transitions and recording of quality outcomes† (OECD, 2013, p. 214);enhanced coordination between health and social care practices that help to reduce possible failures caused by medication errors (e.g. electronic health records and integrated information systems can be used to collect, monitor and share information on the clients in need of health and social care and improve communication between stakeholder groups and organizations involved in care delivery) (OECD, 2013);improved living of individuals involved in health and social care, reducing any possible health and safety risks through effective use of new technologies, such as social alarm systems, video-monitoring systems and different types of electronic sensors (OECD, 2013, p. 214).Analysis of legal considerations in the use of ICT impact on health and social care settingsThere are certain legal considerations in the use of ICT impact on health and social care services. According to researchers, â€Å"the success of ICTs, or any technology, fundamentally depends on the cultural relevance of the application†(Rattle, 2010, p. 147). Health and care professionals should support the evolution of the ICT through specific cultural understandings and practices. Not all cultures incorporate the ICT in health and care field (Rattle, 2010).Although the ICT can provide benefits to health and social care field, but â€Å"these benefits depend on broad adoption of technology not just by super-users or technologically aware†(McCann Bryson, 2009, p. 337). Sp ecial attention should be paid to diagnostic and health monitoring area that requires the application of the ICTs. Because of budget cuts in health and social care field, there have been found a considerable gap in development of â€Å"what is possible and what is being used† (McCann Bryson, 2009, p. 337). Besides, many health and social care professionals fail to understand the real possibilities of ICTs with the existing governmental concerns (McCann Bryson, 2009; Moonie, N. 2005). In general, the legal considerations in the use of ICT impact on health and social care settings provide positive results because of the massive impact of ICTs on all aspects of health and social care, â€Å"from delivering the information people need to lead a healthy lifestyle to providing new tools to design tomorrow’s medicines; from making healthcare systems more efficient and responsive to providing â€Å"in the home† and mobile healthcare technologies,† based on the 2008 report of European Commission (McCann Bryson, 2009, p. 337).In addition, health and social care professionals should take into consideration ethical and legal issues relating to the use of ICTs in health and social care settings. They should guarantee the privacy of medical data and patient records (Moonie, N. 2005).   As ICTs provide great possibilities for the use of technology as learning tool, the control of ICTs in health and social care settings should be adequate (McCann Bryson, 2009). Rigby and colleagues (2011) state that â€Å"Europe has a commitment to researching and developing health informatics (e-health), though not yet giving a priority to this integration of health and social care† (p. 544). It is recommended to address this problem in the following way:to identify the major ICT needs in the field of health and social care;to develop certain standards for integration of ICTs;to facilitate the planned information access and information sharing practic es, modeling a â€Å"system of trust where the patient is an active partner and policies are established considering all partners/interests† (Rigby et al., 2011, p. 544).Conclusion  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thus, it is necessary to conclude that communication is crucial to effective health and social care services. Communication helps to improve interpersonal relationships, providing health and social care workers with the proper communication skills to effectively support their clients/or service users. The relationship between care workers and their clients is an effective tool for communication. Health and social care users should perceive their care workers as caring, reliable, responsible, emotionally supportive, and empathetic. Communication strategies help overcome any barriers to effective communication process, placing emphasis on cultural factors, beliefs and values of health and social care users. Care workers effectively use standard ICT software packages to support and enhance work in health and social care settings.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Market research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Market - Research Paper Example The theorist implied that obtaining research from the entire population would be considerably expensive and injurious to a firm’s operations (Wiid and Diggines, 2009:56). His emphases were that a proper survey and random sampling of the population would present relevant data that would adequately provide information about the population. The following script argues out on the various concepts related to market research. Sampling is a crucial process of accruing relevant data from the target population. As a researcher, sampling denotes the best approach to a study with the provision of different sampling methods for research. The methods range from probability and non-probability sampling, stratified sampling, quota and area sampling, and cluster sampling. The following are the benefits of a good sampling method. Researchers engage on marketing research to identify the factors and solutions to a business problem. This process requires an effective and efficient approach as delays may pose negative impacts to a company’s production, processing, and delivering of satisfaction to the final consumer (Czinkota and Ronkainen, 2007:38). Therefore, time is a beneficial tool in relation to the issue of marketing research, and to the establishment of viable factors for business progression and success (Wiid and Diggines, 2009:57). As a marketing researcher, the appropriate sampling method should be time effective and precise on obtaining the amount of data required. The essence is that a sample method determines the longevity of obtaining data for use in forecasting different prospects of the business. Whenever a sampling method takes a long time, businesses may fail external forces that may threaten to halt operations. For instance, the global market is competitive and a time-consuming samplin g plan may draw the attention of rival competitors. Research is a necessary tool in amassing information relevant in establishing the long range