Thursday, December 19, 2019

Athletics In MacGregors Sporting Landscape Essay

[ATHLETICS IN MACGREGOR’S SPORTING LANDSCAPE] | Health amp; Physical Education Sociology | CONTENTS * 1.0 Introduction * * 2.0 Figueroa’s Framework gt; 2.1 Individual Level - 3.0 Action Plan * 4.1 Justification of Action plan gt; 4.2 Links to Survey Results gt; 4.3 Links to Research including individual level - 5.0 Conclusion - 6.0 Reference List - 7.0 Appendices Executive Summary As Macgregor’s athletics carnival lacks in the participation sector, with the research of Figueroa’s Framework mainly concentrating on the individual level has found that, with survey results shows that students feel that athletics is†¦show more content†¦knowing this; a supposed board that lists all the records of each event is shown publically pre-athletics carnival and during for students to observe and in theory become more motivated and strive to train and compete in the events believing they are able to break that record thus improving participation rates. Secondly, the appearance of famous sporting athletes have known to improve the participation of sports for example, NBA players frequently appear in many occasions of street basketball games as it obviously creates publicity, however, also improves the participation due to the fact that this allows the ‘average basketball fanatic’ who normally would watch their idol from the comfort of their own television, but in fact they are able to play side by side with their idol increasing their moral and motivation to play. This can also be implemented in the athletics carnival by having the famous athlete participate and motivate the students to join in and also create a slight sense of competition. Finally, it is a fact that Australians love to play team based sports as listed, AFL, Cricket, Football, NRL, Soccer, Basketball, Rugby League are in the top 10 Australian sports; this is 7 of the 10 sports that are shown. With this in mind, Students would be required to form groups of 3 and compete in

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